Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Xoserve Decarb Discussions is a dedicated podcast exploring the road to net zero for the gas industry. We’ll be talking to sector experts to examine some of the most pertinent issues when it comes to decarbonising gas - and what it means for those of us involved. We’ll also be bringing you inspiring stories from across the industry on our quest to reach net zero.
Podcasting since 2022 • 19 episodes
Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Latest Episodes
National Gas: a multifaceted approach to gas decarbonisation
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, our hosts James Verdon and Orlando Minervino are joined by Corinna Jones, Director of Clean Power at National Gas, to discuss the gas operator’s approach to decarbonisation.Hear how National Gas is ...
Episode 19

Meet DecarbDiscussion’s new co-host, Orlando Minervino
DecarbDiscussions is back with a new co-host: Orlando Minervino, Xoserve’s new Business Development Manager, as well as one of our main decarbonisation experts.Find out more about Orlando’s expertise and the wealth of knowledge he brings...

The sustainable progress being made at Tyseley Energy Park
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, Xoserve’s James Verdon speaks to Tommy Allsopp, Sustainability Manager at Tyseley Energy Park.Bringing together industry, academics and local government, Tyseley Energy Park is on a mission to trans...
Episode 17

The past, present and future of Tyseley Energy Park
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, our host James Verdon is joined by David Horsfall, Director of Property and Sustainability at Tyseley Energy Park (TEP). Listen as they discuss the long history of TEP’s site, the significance ...
Episode 16

Reshaping the UK’s gas infrastructure: what can we learn from the past?
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, our host James Verdon is joined by Professor Russell Thomas, who recently published a paper on the transformation of the UK gas industry between 1949 and the end of the 1980s.Listen as they d...
Episode 15