Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Xoserve Decarb Discussions is a dedicated podcast exploring the road to net zero for the gas industry. We’ll be talking to sector experts to examine some of the most pertinent issues when it comes to decarbonising gas - and what it means for those of us involved. We’ll also be bringing you inspiring stories from across the industry on our quest to reach net zero.
Xoserve Decarb Discussions
The sustainable progress being made at Tyseley Energy Park
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, Xoserve’s James Verdon speaks to Tommy Allsopp, Sustainability Manager at Tyseley Energy Park.
Bringing together industry, academics and local government, Tyseley Energy Park is on a mission to transform clean energy innovation in Birmingham and the wider region. By demonstrating new technologies and turning them into commercially viable energy systems, it hopes to deliver a greener, cleaner and healthier Birmingham.
With James having spoken to David Horsfall, Director of Property and Sustainability at Tyseley Energy Park, in the previous episode, this instalment sees him interview Tommy to understand how Tyseley Energy Park is progressing on its clean energy journey.
Hosted by James Verdon, Strategic Stakeholder Manager at Xoserve
Guest Speaker: Tommy Allsopp, Sustainability Manager at Tyseley Energy Park
This episode covers how Tyseley Energy Park is:
- Engaging with local communities
- Supporting regeneration in the local area
- Helping policymakers take steps towards developing localised energy ecosystems
Tommy also shares his views on how streamlining regulations would be beneficial to a site like Tyseley Energy Park.
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All opinions and statements made by Decarbonisation Discussion Podcasts participants are considered to be reflective of their individual viewpoint at the time of recording and shall not necessarily be considered as either representative of Xoserve’s opinion, or condoned as such by Xoserve or any of Xoserve’s employees.
Xoserve shall not directly or indirectly endorse any participants commercial products or services as a result of them being referenced either during or as a result of the Podcast.