Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Xoserve Decarb Discussions is a dedicated podcast exploring the road to net zero for the gas industry. We’ll be talking to sector experts to examine some of the most pertinent issues when it comes to decarbonising gas - and what it means for those of us involved. We’ll also be bringing you inspiring stories from across the industry on our quest to reach net zero.
Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Championing and supporting women in energy and utilities
In this episode of Decarb Discussions, Victoria Mustard, Xoserve's former Decarbonisation Strategy Lead spoke with a wide range of people from across the utilities industry about what can be done to better empower, encourage and support women in the energy and utility industry.
Hosted by Victoria Mustard, Decarbonisation Strategy Lead, Xoserve
Guest speakers:
- Della Newton, Global Energy Management and Sales at ENGIE
- Sophie Dooley, Consultant at Engage Consulting
- Ayena Gupta, Head of DCC Oversight & Regulatory Review
- Melissa Giordano, Deputy Director of Retail Systems and Processes at Ofgem
- Jo Layton, Data Quality Manager at npower
- Stella Matthews, Head of Business Operations and Portfolio Management at N-Gen Energy Solutions
- Steve Brittan, CEO of Xoserve
- James Verdon, Stakeholder Manager at Xoserve
This episode covers:
- What advice they would offer to their younger selves
- What they would say to someone joining the utilities industry today
- What can be done to encourage more women into senior roles
- How greater diversity and inclusion can be encouraged and adopted
Xoserve Disclaimer:
All opinions and statements made by Decarbonisation Discussion Podcasts participants are considered to be reflective of their individual viewpoint at the time of recording and shall not necessarily be considered as either representative of Xoserve’s opinion, or condoned as such by Xoserve or any of Xoserve’s employees.
Xoserve shall not directly or indirectly endorse any participants commercial products or services as a result of them being referenced either during or as a result of the Podcast.