Xoserve Decarb Discussions

Is Britain ready for hydrogen blending?

Xoserve Episode 7

Hosted by Victoria Mustard, Decarbonisation Strategy Lead, Xoserve

Guest Speakers:

  • James Earl, Director of Gas at the Energy Networks Association
  • Megan Bray, Market Development Lead at National Grid
  • Bethan Winter, System Operations Manager at Wales & West Utilities
  • Joel Martin, Biomethane Connections Manager at SGN

In this episode of Decarb Discussions, we discuss the challenges, opportunities and considerations that need to be given around introducing a hydrogen blend into the natural gas network.

Hydrogen blending holds real promise and potential to help decarbonise Britain’s gas network. Blending up to 20% hydrogen into the gas grid with existing natural gas could save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year - the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road.

But what does blending hydrogen involve? What steps need to be taken to encourage a hydrogen economy? And what impact will hydrogen have on both consumers and industry?

In our latest episode, we seek to answer these questions by speaking to four industry leaders about this important issue.

In this episode we will cover:

  • What is meant by hydrogen blending
  • How hydrogen blending will affect consumer appliances
  • Why hydrogen blending hasn’t yet been introduced to the gas network
  • The reason it’s so critical industry is engaged on this topic
  • Where hydrogen blending will begin, and how it can be delivered at scale
  • How a blended approach will work in the current energy market
  • What differences consumers can expect to their bills
  • Why consumers and industry should be supporting hydrogen blending

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