Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Xoserve Decarb Discussions is a dedicated podcast exploring the road to net zero for the gas industry. We’ll be talking to sector experts to examine some of the most pertinent issues when it comes to decarbonising gas - and what it means for those of us involved. We’ll also be bringing you inspiring stories from across the industry on our quest to reach net zero.
Xoserve Decarb Discussions
Decarbonising UK gas: how will the hydrogen Guarantee of Origin scheme benefit businesses?
In this podcast session, we will take a look at the new hydrogen Guarantee of Origin (GoO) scheme and why National Grid believes it will be so important to developing a successful low-carbon gas economy. With an in depth look at how I&C businesses will be affected and can benefit from the scheme.
- Hear how the GoO scheme will work and why National Grid is forwarding the initiative.
- Hear what the introduction of hydrogen GoOs means for customers, producers, and suppliers.
- Understand how I&C businesses could benefit from GoOs on the journey to net zero.
Xoserve Disclaimer:
All opinions and statements made by Decarbonisation Discussion Podcasts participants are considered to be reflective of their individual viewpoint at the time of recording and shall not necessarily be considered as either representative of Xoserve’s opinion, or condoned as such by Xoserve or any of Xoserve’s employees.
Xoserve shall not directly or indirectly endorse any participants commercial products or services as a result of them being referenced either during or as a result of the Podcast.