Xoserve Decarb Discussions

How can biomethane help us achieve a net zero gas grid?

Xoserve Episode 5

In this new episode of Decarb Discussions, we explore the role of biomethane in decarbonising our gas grid. Traditionally, biogas has been extracted from organic waste and burned to generate electricity. 

Now, with more electricity coming from renewables, there is the chance to give new purpose to biogas, upgrading it to biomethane that can be injected into the gas grid to heat our buildings in a more sustainable way. 

Biomethane is more than a great way to repurpose waste: the CO2 generated during its production can also be captured and stored, making the process not only net-zero, but carbon-negative. 

 In this episode we will cover:

  • Biomethane generation and its role in the net zero transition
  • The opportunities for developing the biomethane sector between now and 2050
  • The best applications for biomethane, and why injecting biomethane in the gas grid represents a virtuous example of circular economy
  • What support is available for biomethane producers
  • How the gas industry can support the growth of the biogas sector
  • Why it’s crucial to improve the existing planning process to inject biomethane into the grid
  • How biomethane can co-exist with other ways of decarbonising the grid, such as hydrogen and electrification initiatives

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